43rd LD February 20, 2024, General Meeting

Start: 2024-02-20 19:00:00 UTC Pacific Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-07:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

February 20 Meeting of the 43rd LD Democrats

Use the "Send RSVP" button to register for our February 20 General Meeting. We'll gather using Zoom from 7-9pm. We've got a full agenda (see the full agenda):

Here's what's on our agenda for February 20:

  • Resolution In Support of an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza (Text of the resolution)
  • Black History Month - Deaunte Damper
    • Deaunte is the community organizer for Vocal Washington, the VP of WA Therapy Fund, part of the leadership team for BUILD206 and the former Host of “We Live in Color” for Converge Media.
  • Board Elections
    • Tech Chair
    • King County Democrats Alternate [PCO only vote]
  • State & National Convention Delegate Selection Process
  • 2024 Budget for 43rd Dems

PCO Recruitment

We need more PCOs! The endorsement process quickly gives over to Getting Out the Vote, and for that purpose we need a strong organization. The good news is - you can get involved in a big way by becoming a PCO.

  1. Step 1, Find Your Precinct using King County Find My District and Check the list of vacant precincts.
  2. Step 2, Application: complete this form for King County and email chair@43rddemocrats.org

We look forward to seeing you at our General Meeting!

Here's the Zoom link!

Meeting ID: 862 9566 8566
Passcode: 878500

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