50 Years of acting for humanity w Debra Sweet

Start: 2020-12-20 17:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

Join Debra Sweet for a discussion of the incident Dec 3 1970 when she challenged Nixon over the Vietnam war. And what do we do now?

>> Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87818958744 (other options below)

December 3, 1970:  I was 19. I knew enough about the US war in southeast Asia to know it was wrong. I had protested since 1968, and especially after it became known in April 1970 that Nixon had secretly bombed Cambodia, I was outraged along with the world. But here, 7 months later, I was in The White House, about to receive the "Young American Medal for Service" from Richard Nixon.

There's a longer story to why I was being awarded, and the conflict I felt at the prospect of receiving a humanitarian award from the commander in chief of a genocidal war. I felt responsible to global humanity, somehow knowing that what I did could have an impact, but weighed down by the prospect of going against my own conscience by even going to the White House. That morning, the Blue Room was jammed with press and politicians. What would I say or do? After months of anticipation, I still didn't know.... read more

I always thought, one day, I'd have a party to thank all the people who have taught, helped, and joined in with me along the way. When it occurred to me a couple of weeks ago that anniversary is 50 years TODAY, and with the pandemic as bad now as ever, I decided to invite you to a virtual gathering. All friends, long time & new, and everyone else interested...

stop by to chat on Sunday.

1 hour on Sunday December 20 
5:00 pm EST with Debra on Zoom

AUDIO Highlights from recent RefuseFascism.org forum, and a short interview with me:On the Inside with #OutNOW podcast, Indi Samarajiva (@indica, author of viral piece I Lived Through A Stupid Coup. America Is Having One Now), Jeff Sharlet (@jeffsharlet, author of The Family, now a Netflix documentary and This Brilliant Darkness), Andy Zee (The RNL Show, co-initiator of RefuseFascism.org), and Coco Das (@Coco_Das, editor of RefuseFascism.org) about the Trump coup and what's next. Sam Goldman interviews Debra Sweet (@Debra__Sweet) about confronting Richard Nixon face-to-face 50 years ago.

I'm raising funds for two projects close to my heart:

>> Donate to RefuseFascism.org on my personal page. Support a movement of people coming from diverse perspectives, united in our recognition that the Trump/Pence Regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet. We, fighting for a just world, need to be mobilized, taking to the streets, non-violently, but determined, to this hateful American fascism.

>> Support the RNL (Revolution – Nothing Less) Show, weekly on YouTube and rooted in the new communism forged by the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian, hosted by Andy Zee along with other members of the Revolution Tour. The world is a nightmare for the masses of people worldwide, but it doesn’t have to be. Revolution and a whole better world IS possible.

Topic: 50 Years of acting for humanity
Time: Dec 20, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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