6/16 HPDSA Meeting
Start: 2021-06-16 19:00:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)
This is a virtual event
This week's general body meeting (7 PM on Wednesday, June 16) is open to the public, but we'll also be conducting elections for our chapter's delegate to the DSA National Convention, which will be August 1-8, 2021, and held over Zoom. Convention meetings will occur primarily in the evening to accommodate delegates with 9-5 work schedules.
Our chapter gets a single voting delegate to represent our interests in DSA's Convention, which is the organization's primary decision making body. Non-delegates will be able to attend key-note addresses, but only delegates are able to participate and vote on the platform and resolutions, which will guide DSA's work at the national and local level for the next 2 years.
If you would like to run to be a delegate you are welcome to announce your intention on our slack channel, by emailing the highpeaksdsa@gmail.com account, or at the meeting on Wednesday.
After the delegate election we will be turning towards chapter and working group updates and talking about local organizing this summer, so it should be a good meeting for new faces, members and non!
The meeting agenda can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JulHMolApEKfIekobWWnj_PVwKgpW9Dn-sHiReuIrrE/