7/23/2024 Nebraska Legislature special session Zoom meetup

Start: 2024-07-23 19:00:00 UTC Central Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

Come join the Lincoln DSA Legislative Working Group in a Zoom meeting, where we'll have a meeting to discuss the upcoming 2024 special session on property taxes, and what kind of actions Lincoln DSA, as a chapter, needs to take to respond to it.

Agenda (tentative):

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Introductions
  3. Community agreements
  4. Choose chair and recording secretary
  5. Review, amend and approve agenda
  6. Announcements and communications
    1. Lincoln DSA now officially supports the Support Our Schools referendums, opposes LB1402, LB753, LB441
  7. Reports
    1. Petitions
  8. Old business
    1. Voter ID literature
  9. New business
    1. Discussion on 2024 Special Session on Property Taxes
    2. Discussion on recommended actions to Lincoln DSA for the Legislative Working Group
    3. Discussion on membership to the Legislative Working Group
  10. Good and Welfare
  11. Set next meeting date
  12. Adjournment
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