A Future for Workers: A Contribution from Black Labor Symposium

Start: Thursday, February 04, 2016 5:30 PM

End: Thursday, February 04, 2016 8:00 PM

The AFL-CIO and the Coalition of Black Trade Unionist (CBTU) cordially invite you to join us at our Symposium on the report, A Future for Workers: A Contribution from Black Labor, held to commemorate Black History Month. 

"TO BE VERY DIRECT, U.S. WORKERS NEED A RENEWED LABOR MOVEMENT. They do not need the tinkering around of the edges of the old. They need something that is willing and capable of fighting, and equally capable of making the cause of workers the cause of the majority of this country." 

Excerpt from A Future for Workers: A Contribution from Black Labor

Event Details: In 2015, leaders from Black labor came together to develop a plan for a fresh perspective on how to advance the labor movement that focuses on power over grievances, and connecting with workers around issues they care about--such as criminal justice, workplace discrimination, education and wages. The Symposium, which includes a light dinner, will begin with a discussion from labor leaders who have been successful at organizing workers of color through this lens, and we'll discuss action steps we can take together to bring communities of color closer to the labor movement. Copies of A Future for Workers: A Contribution from Black Labor will be available. 


  • Reverend Terry Melvin, President of Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Secretary-Treasurer of NY State AFL-CIO and Chair of Labor Coalition of Community Action (Moderator)
  • Dr. William Spriggs, Chief Economist, AFL-CIO and Howard University Professor
  • Fred Mason Jr., President, Maryland & DC AFL-CIO and Executive Board Member, A. Philip Randolph Institute
  • Caniesha Sheldon, Program Coordinator, Women and Fair Practices, AFGE and OPEIU Local 2 Executive Board and Member of AFL-CIO Young Worker Advisory Council
  • Dr. L. Toni Lewis, Chair of SEIU Healthcare
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