A TAFE New Industries Training Centre: Business Case Launch
Start: Thursday, November 16, 2023• 6:30 PM
In recent months, the Hunter Jobs Alliance has been advocating and campaigning for the need to establish a TAFE New Industries Training Centre here in the Hunter. Investment in new industries is growing and to meet the growing demand and attract further investment, we need a skills ready workforce.
To better understand the need, potential models, costs and outcomes of a TAFE New Industries Training Centre, the Hunter Jobs Alliance has commissioned the Institute of Regional Futures and DeltaPearl Partners to compile a Business Case.
Join us as we launch the Business Case and hear discussion from experts and stakeholders on the reports findings and the next steps for the Hunter region.
Warrick Jordan- Institute of Regional Futures, UON
Jack Galvin-Waight- NSW Teachers Federation
MC: Justin Page- Hunter Jobs Alliance
More speakers TBC in the coming weeks.
At the conclusion of speeches and Q + A, light refreshments will be served.