Aberdeen Know Your Rights Training 25th September

Start: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 7:00 PM

End: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 9:00 PM

Scottish Community & Activist Legal Project (SCALP) are excited to announce our next Know Your Rights training in Aberdeen!

Join us at the Aberdeen Social Centre at 19:00 on 25th September for our workshop on Scots law. Whether you are new to protest or are an experienced activist wanting a wee reminder – this workshop is for you!

1h 30 + optional Q+A


Know Your Rights Workshops:

Know Your Rights to protest in Scotland (Scotland is different to England, Wales and Northern Ireland).

The workshop aims to facilitate learning around a variety of useful things related to your rights. Things we'll touch on include, how to talk or not talk with Police if you are approached, Stop and Search, how to identify who's who within the policing team at protests, and what to expect and how to support yourself and each other.


General Principles:

We’re talking about Scottish Law only

We’re not lawyers - there are plenty of good reasons to get professional legal advice - we offer these trainings to support activists and community.

We recognise that Police are institutionally racist and disproportionately police certain communities.

Facilitators will work to ensure that all trainings are as welcoming as possible and that any abusive or oppressive behaviour is challenged. Anyone who continues to behave in an unacceptable way may asked to leave the training.

If there is anything we can do to make the training safer or more accessible for you, please let us know when you register (such as providing transcripts etc).

The training will not be recorded but we will run more in the future.


About SCALP:

The Scottish Community and Activist Legal Project (SCALP) is a collective of social and environmental justice activists, working to challenge police abuse, monitor protest policing and provide legal guidance.


Instagram: @activists_legal

Twitter: @activists_legal

Facebook: @activists.legal