Academy for Careers in Television and Film Walkout

Start: Wednesday, March 14, 201810:00 AM


The walkout will last for about 20 minutes and will take place outside on the turf field where we have gym. We will be leaving the building at around 9:55 am after an announcement is made.


  • For the majority of the 20 minutes, we will be remembering the lives of those lost in Parkland in silence.

  • All participants are expected to return to school and regularly scheduled classes at the end of the event.

  • Students should wear a white ribbon to honor the lives of those lost.

  • No type of talking, fooling around, or eating is tolerated.

  • If you are close to someone who is talking, call their attention and be quiet.

  • When walking out of the school and returning back to class we must do so in an organized manner.

  • Students must not go to their lockers to retrieve their coats. Instead they should have their jackets ready beforehand.

Although it isn’t mandatory, all are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in the organization of this event. Today students will gather after school in room 418 to make posters and ribbons that will be used on Wednesday. If anyone is willing to help please report to this room at 3:30pm.

Join us in saying #ENOUGH!

Women’s March Youth EMPOWER is calling for students, teachers, school administrators, parents and allies to take part in a #NationalSchoolWalkout for 17 minutes at 10am across every time zone on March 14, 2018 to protest Congress’ inaction to do more than tweet thoughts and prayers in response to the gun violence plaguing our schools and neighborhoods. We need action. Students and allies are organizing the national school walkout to demand Congress pass legislation to keep us safe from gun violence at our schools, on our streets and in our homes and places of worship.

Students and staff have the right to teach and learn in an environment free from the worry of being gunned down in their classrooms or on their way home from school.

Parents have the right to send their kids to school in the mornings and see them home alive at the end of the day.

We are not safe at school. We are not safe in our cities and towns. Congress must take meaningful action to keep us safe and pass federal gun reform legislation that address the public health crisis of gun violence. We want Congress to pay attention and take note: many of us will vote this November and many others will join in 2020.