Accelerate climate action: Bill McKibben livestream in Australia - Darwin

Start: Friday, May 04, 2018 7:00 PM

Not in Darwin? See the other Accelerate Climate Action tour events.

In 2018, we are going to accelerate our response to climate change. We all know we have to.

As a part of 350 Australia’s push to make sure that climate change will be front and centre of every election going forward, our founder, Bill McKibben, is coming back to Australia as part of a global effort to accelerate climate action.

We’re already moving towards a future without fossil fuels -- but it’s time to accelerate our response.

In Darwin, Bill's talk will be livestreamed at the venue, with local speakers including Ellin Lede, PhD Researcher, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, UK.

Doors open at 6.30pm.


For those of you who don’t know, Bill McKibben is a global climate activist leader and inspiring speaker.

Bill’s 1989 groundbreaking book, The End of Nature, is regarded as the first book for a general audience about climate change, and has been published in 24 languages. Since then he has written over a dozen more books, and founded, the first global grassroots climate change movement. In 2012, Bills article “Do the Math” for Rolling Stone magazine became one of the most read articles in the magazine’s history and changed the way the world thought about investment in fossil fuels.

In 2014 Bill was awarded the Right Livelihood Prize, sometimes called the ‘alternative Nobel.’


Bill’s tour will focus on how we can and must join together to keep the pressure on in Australia and around the world. He’ll talk about building on our work to #StopAdani, the push for fossil fuel divestment and the groundbreaking NYC legal case against five of the world’s biggest oil companies, and ensure climate change is the number one issue on any election agenda.



The Environment Centre NT and Australia will be in touch with our next steps for accelerating climate action! By registering for this event, you agree to being contacted by both Environment Centre NT and Australia.

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