Chicago Friday: Stop Trump from Stealing the Election!

Start: Friday, November 06, 2020 5:00 PM

Stop Trump from Stealing the Election, Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!

In cities across the country, including here in Chicago, there were protests demanding count every vote the day after the election, and Refuse Fascism was in the mix and projecting the message TRUMP/PENCE OUT NOW because this is a FASCIST REGIME. But the resistance as Trump moves to steal the election needs to go to a whole other level.

Many people are breathing a sigh of relief as Joe Biden's electoral college total nears 270. That number could be reached today. This is much more than a contested election, however. It is one step in a battle over the future of this country, and this world. We cannot lose sight of the fact that this fascist regime refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power. Quite the contrary.

Trump supporters, many openly brandishing weapons, have menaced people counting votes in Michigan and Arizona. At the Convention Center in Philadelphia where ballots continue to be counted, Corey Lewandowski and his entourage of Trump supporters were escorted in by the police, but the count continues, with Philadelphians chanting and dancing to Beyonce outside include a strong Refuse Fascism contingent.

The Justice Dept. has told Federal prosecutors that the law allows them to send "armed federal officers to ballot-counting locations around the country to investigate potential voter fraud." (NY Times) Trump's lawyers have already filed lawsuits in multiple states. Those lawsuits are headed to the Supreme Court now stacked with a 6 to 3 majority of Christian fascist "justices." Three of them were on George Bush's team in 2000 that won the Supreme Court decision overturning the popular vote to give Bush the White House.

NOW is the time to mobilize our forces, the "coalition of decent people," who refuse to rely on institutions and processes being torn apart in front of our eyes. Now is the time to deny this regime any shred of legitimacy by rejecting their lies.

If you want to see every vote count for real, if you want to see a fascist regime actually exiting power, NOW is the time to exercise our non-violent and determined people's power. Join us today at 5 pm at Federal Plaza and make plans to join us Saturday at Union Park.

Facebook event >

PROTESTS CONTINUE! Saturday, 1 pm, Union Park

Join the Refuse Fascism Contingent to demand Trump & Pence #OutNOW