Activist Afternoons November 17

Start: Sunday, November 17, 2019 4:00 PM

End: Sunday, November 17, 2019 6:00 PM

Activist Afternoons is a way for all members of our community to gather and take action on the issues and elections we care about.

Thank you for being an awesome activist - we're inspiring others to take action!


  • Swing Left Greater Boston will be working to boost turn out for election day by assisting FL voters to vote by mail.
  • Our Revolution Cambridge will be holding a planning meeting to map out next steps now that municipal elections are over.
  • Act on Mass will be phonebanking in support of the Safe Communities Act to protect immigrants in MA. The bill will have a hearing on December 2nd and it's important legislators hear from voters that they support this bill in advance of the hearing.

Not Yet Confirmed:

*Might phonebank? Please bring a cellphone, laptop and charger. A headset or pair of earphones is also helpful when calling voters or potential volunteers!*

Want to host your own activity at Activist Afternoons? Get in touch -- we'd love to help!

Activist Afternoons (ActA) creates a space for members of the community to gather and take action on the issues and elections we care about. Each week we provide a menu of causes and actions you can take to help move our politics forward on all levels, from your neighborhood to the White House.

We meet every Sunday from 4pm to 6pm at Workbar Central Square, 45 Prospect Street in Cambridge.   Like us on Facebook!

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