AFTNJ Summer Strategic Planning Workshops
Start: Thursday, August 08, 2024• 8:30 AM
End: Thursday, August 08, 2024• 3:00 PM
• 8:30–9 a.m.: Registration
• 8:45-9:30 a.m.: Breakfast
• 9:30–9:45 a.m.: New Jersey State AFL-CIO — Central Labor Council’s, Election 2024and Labor-to-Labor Walks. Presenter: N.J. State AFL-CIO President Charlie Wowkanech
• 10 a.m.–Noon: Breakout Groups
— PreK-12 Contract Campaigns: Making use of AFT national’s research department to build a successful contract campaign. Presenters: Mike Iovino and Mike Maillaro from Newark Teachers Union
— Adjunct Healthcare Campaign: Status update and strategic planning for the 2024-25 legislative year. Status Update: Adjunct Healthcare Committee Members
Strategy Session Facilitators: Jennie Shanker, AFTNJ staff representative; and Jason Butler, AFT national representative
— Strategic Planning — Public Higher Education Reorganization: In-depth analysis of the reorganization of Pennsylvania and Connecticut’s public higher education systems. Begin discussion of what to advocate for in New Jersey and what pitfalls to avoid. Presenter: TBD
• Noon–1 p.m.: Lunch
• 1–3 p.m.: Strategic planning continues per breakout group needs