Antidotes for Ageism: A Guide to Age-Inclusive Healthcare

Start: 2023-04-14 12:00:00 UTC Mountain Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-06:00)

End: 2023-04-14 13:00:00 UTC Mountain Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-06:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

This month we'll show and discuss the film, Antidotes for Ageism, an original production of Changing the Narrative and the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging. The film introduces how ageism shows up in healthcare and what we can do about it.

Did you know that ageism is a risk factor that impacts social, emotional, and physical health? It shortens lifespans and increases social isolation.

Ageism shows up in systems, societal beliefs, and policies: fewer medical students becoming geriatricians, older people historically excluded from clinical trials, and the pervasiveness of ageism during the pandemic. People suffer unnecessarily when structures and systems are consciously or unconsciously rife with ageism.

Kris Geerken presented this at the recent American Society on Aging Conference. Join us for this public session for healthcare workers, healthcare students, and anyone involved with older adults.