Akron DSA May Day
Start: Saturday, May 01, 2021• 2:30 PM
End: Saturday, May 01, 2021• 5:00 PM
To celebrate May Day and generate energy for our priority campaigns, Akron DSA is hosting a special hybrid event. For those who feel comfortable with in-person events, come meet us at the Glendale Steps for a chance to chat with the steering committee and lead organizers about our Pass the PRO Act and DSA for Nina priority campaigns. We will also discuss how to generate media and learn about socialism in Akron (past and present). You'll also be able to pick up your Akron DSA and DSA for Nina shirts ($25 per shirt). Masks and social distancing are required.
Not ready for in-person events? No problem! Email dsaakron@gmail.com to set up a Zoom one-on-one with a member of the steering committee to chat about our campaigns (or anything else), or to get instructions on how to make a selfie video from home that can be used for the campaign!