Albany Fair Elections Hearing
Start: Wednesday, September 18, 2019• 9:30 AM
End: Wednesday, September 18, 2019• 1:00 PM
Join us and make your voice heard in support of Fair Elections! New York's Public Campaign Financing Commission is holding hearings around the state to gather public input.
For too long our campaign finance system has worked for the wealthy few at the expense of everyday New Yorkers, allowing big donors to have an outsized say on important policy decisions in our state impacting housing, education, health care, criminal justice, the environment, and more.
The Commission, set up by the Governor and Legislature, has until December 1 to create the rules for a new program aimed at making our democracy work for ALL New Yorkers. A small donor matching program, like the one in New York City, would give candidates in New York State the opportunity to run for office backed by grassroots donors in their community, instead of big money.
This is our chance to show the Commission that New Yorkers are watching and expect them to create a strong public financing program that ensures fair elections in our state and to ignore irrelevant issues like fusion voting. Join us!
Fair Elections for New York will hold a press conference outside of the Albany hearing at 9:30am and the hearing will begin at 10am at the Rockefeller Institute of Government, 411 State Street, Albany, NY 12203.
For more updates, including instructions on how to sign up to testify at the hearings, RSVP here: