All-In Call - TM x Renew Australia

Start: 2024-04-08 18:00:00 UTC Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney (GMT+10:00)

End: 2024-04-08 20:00:00 UTC Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney (GMT+10:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

A row of young people sitting outside the Prime Minister's office, looking clear-eyed and bold.

We're working on something game changing, a spark to shift the narrative we tell as a country. Unionists, community members, young people and climate experts have spent months planning, strategising and building relationships to build Renew Australia - a bold, transformative vision demanding billions of dollars to transition our economy and take care of people while doing it.

Join Movement mates across the continent on an All-In Call to:

  • Hear about the demands, messaging and campaign plan of Renew Australia and get excited about the prospect of joining a powerful coalition campaign,

  • Learn how Tomorrow Movement local teams can engage in this work and what support will be available,

  • Make a plan in your team work strategically in this coalition before the federal budget and

  • Connect with Movement mates from near and far and be inspired by the collective power of our Movement.

We're encouraging teams to organise watch parties - gathering together in space to join the call together before braking our into local team groups to get planning. If this sounds good get in touch with Jack (0491648003) for some support with organising!

Event is hosted online, with the option for closed captioning. Please call, text or email Jack (0491648003, to chat about any other accessibility needs.
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