All In
Start: Sunday, October 29, 2023• 1:45 PM
End: Sunday, October 29, 2023• 5:30 PM
Looking for some inspiration, or just curious about what’s going on? Against the odds, grassroots groups across the West Country are making great things happen. Join an afternoon of stalls, chat, free workshops and big ideas focused on migrant justice, climate justice and abolitionist politics. We have adapted the afternoon so that those attending can also be involved in the Palestine Solidarity march that will be passing the venue, please see the timetable for more details. Doors will open at 1.45pm when we'll be launched into the afternoon with a special performance by Bristol City Poet Kat Lloys. You can also look forward to:
- How to Stop an Immigration Raid - with the Anti Raids Network
- The Impact of Seasonal Worker Visas - with the Landworker's Alliance
- The Tech Clinic – free bespoke answers from activist tech professionals - bring your kit
- Know Your Rights Update – what to expect in the post Police and Crime Bill Landscape
- Freedom of movement, a practical solution - with No Borders in Climate Justice
- Introduction to Transformative Justice - with Bristol Anti Repression Campaign
- Art Not Ads - with Adblock
- Bike Maintenance - with folks from Bristol Bike Workshop and BASE Bikes
- Rural Organising - with Cornwall Resists
- Environmental Racism, a biofuels 101 - with Bristol Rising Tide and Axe Drax
- Why everyday access matters - With Bristol Right to Roam
- A session from Legendary Trainers Seeds for Change
- Making Herbal Medicines - with Herbalists Without Borders
It's really helpful for us to know how many people are planning to attend, and what their needs are, but registration is optional.
Anti Raids Training
The seizing of people without papers has been escalating in recent months. This year in Bristol alone, there have been over 72 raids on restaurants already, and over 220 raids across the whole Wales and West region. 160 of our neighbors have been violently grabbed out of their lives. Most will then be held in detention centres, many will be deported back to the places they fled from. It doesn’t have to be this way, these raids can’t operate without our consent. If we share knowledge, keep track of how they’re operating and have each others’ backs, they can’t function. In Bristol, London, and Glasgow, communities have come together and successfully stopped vans from kidnapping people. This session will introduce you to the rights you can share and the mechanisms you can use to stop a raid. As well as giving you a chance to practice how it might feel to act together safely.
Making Herbal Medicines with Herbalists Without Borders
Herbalists without Borders Bristol is a solidarity project for health justice. Each month we visit 3 already established refugee support groups in Bristol with a mobile apothecary, distributing ready - made herbal medicines. We will make some herbal teas in the session that will be distributed in the refugee projects. Come join us to learn more about the project, volunteering and the power of herbs!
Impact of Seasonal Worker Visas in Farming with the Landworkers Alliance
This year, in conjunction with other
labour rights and farming organisations, the Landworkers' Alliance
produced a report into the structural drivers of exploitation in the
UK's industrial horticulture sector. The report explored how a new
migration scheme is facilitating worker exploitation, provided workers
with a platform to recount their experiences of both abuse and
resistance, and revealed how supermarkets are reaping the rewards of bad
working conditions. In this session, the Landworkers' Alliance will
present the findings of this project, and put forward a course of action
for improving working conditions in British farming
Introduction to Transformative Justice with Bristol Anti-Repression Campaign
Bristol Anti-Repression Campaign has hosted a monthly transformative justice reading group for over a year now. However, as we say at the start of each reading group; we are not experts in transformative justice! We started this group as we wanted to learn together how we can address the harm that occurs within our own communities. We see this as a part of building a world without police and prisons. In this session we will be learning together from the writings of key figures in the world of transformative justice and collectively discussing how Transformative Justice practices can be applied to the communities we live and work in.
Know Your Rights Post Police and Crime Bill (and others) with GBC Legal and Netpol
New legislation associated with protest has been coming into effect in England and Wales. While most of our core rights remain, this session will give you an overview of what's changed, which elements are and aren't being implemented on the ground, and some of the things to look out for coming up. We'll start with a refresher of the basics, before taking a measured look at what's different.
Freedom of movement, a practical solution - with No Borders in Climate Justice
We are a collective that believes that there should be No Borders in Climate Justice, in people’s right to stay and to move. We fight for everyone’s freedom of movement, regardless if they are moving due to climate catastrophe in their homeland, war, poverty or any other reason. In our workshop we will explore the connection between colonialism, the border regime and climate emergency.
Art not Ads with Adblock
In this session we will explore how advertising affects our health,
communities and climate. We'll lead a practical art workshop to
celebrate Art not Ads, and skill-share easy actions to reclaim our
public space from corporate messaging. Adblock Bristol have blocked 40
giant digital advertising screens in the last five years, find out how
to help keep Bristol ad-free.
Where Is Everybody? with Seeds for Change
Building and sustaining active involvement in your group is pivotal for the success of your organising or campaign. However, virtually every group have to contend with some kind of challenge - having the same faces in every meeting, new people who pass through but don't stick around, or not managing to reach the people most affected by your campaign issues. This session will offer a simple structure to make a strategy for how you do outreach and integrate people into your group, as well as chances to reflect and share experiences with people in other groups.
Rural Organising Workshop, with Cornwall Resists
The South West is a rural area, but as a movement our organising is often focused on mobilisations in cities. Often the realities of organising in rural areas are ignored. In a city, it's easy to be anonymous. In particular anti-fascist organising, such as the mobilisations organised by Cornwall Resists, face different dangers and challenges for campaigners, especially for people of colour in very white areas. This workshop will explore those challenges and differences, what issues are important for rural organisers, and how we work collectively to ensure rural areas are represented in our movements.
Environmental Racism, a biofuels 101 with Axe Drax
Heard the one about our taxes subsidizing the worlds biggest tree burning power station? Drax in Yorkshire burns 16 million tonnes of trees a year, the pellets of which are shipped from predominantly Black communities in the global south. The process of creating these pellets is so polluting, people are left struggling to breath and often trapped in their own homes. The communities involved are calling for our solidarity. The good news is that the Drax business model is shaky, and if we stopped them here, we could undermine the global spread of this particularly toxic false solution. Come and find out what's been going on, and some camp plans to take action next summer.
Everyday Access with Bristol Right to Roam
In this participatory session, possibly done while strolling Trinity's beautiful garden (weather dependent) we'll be talking about our existing rights. As well as why we trespass to reclaim our rights to nature and connect with the land beyond boundaries.
Free Bike Check Ups and Basic Maintenance
Base Bikes is a community bike workshop at Base Social Centre, Easton. We've been running since 1997. We host a free drop-in 'Fix-It-Together' session on Tuesday evenings, 5.30-8.30pm. We'll be offering free bike check-ups and basic maintenance at All In on a donation basis.
The Tech Clinic
Struggling with technology? Our friendly team of professional geeks are experts at explaining complex problems in an approachable way. Whether you just want a hand with the basics, or walked through handy design programs like Canva, to laptop and phone encryption, security culture or complex bespoke platforms for particular projects, give them a try. They'll be supporting people as they appear in front of them at there stall, but can also issue appointments if you want to be sure of a spot between particular sessions. Now is the perfect opportunity to sort out that issue you've been meaning to get your head around.