Amelia Island Solidarity March
Start: Saturday, January 21, 2017•10:00 AM
End: Saturday, January 21, 2017•11:45 AM

The Amelia Island Solidarity March, with The Women’s March on Washington, is a 100% inclusive event, and all genders, races, ages, religions, sexual orientations – everyone! – is invited to participate. (Please share widely and often.)
FINAL INSTRUCTIONS & SPEAKER LINEUP: Please arrive at Central Park by 9:30 AM. We want to be lined up and ready to begin our March at 10:00 AM. Parking is available in the School Board property, opposite the Park. Extra parking is available at St. Peter's Episcopal Church nearby. Auxiliary Police will direct you. HANDICAPPED Parking is available in the Park.
Wear comfortable shoes. Wear or bring protective rain gear with a hood, just in case. NO umbrellas will be allowed. Bring a bottle of water for yourself; and be prepared to have FUN : )
This is a SOLIDARITY March; not a protest rally. Please be respectful. Make sure that you've read the MARCH AGREEMENTS below. Remember, that by marching with us you are implicitly agreeing to abide by those Agreements. If you feel that you cannot abide by them, then you may need to re-think your participation; because we will not tolerate any disruptors or agitators.
Our exciting lineup of SPEAKERS:
Nancy Dickson, PhD, retired Professor of Women's Studies: “One Woman's History.” Jennett W. Baker, RN, retired Health Educator: “So You Want Your Country Back!” Anna Maria Occhuizzo, Chair, Amelia Island Earthkeepers: ”The Rights of the Planet.” Patricia Thompson, President, Nassau County NAACP: "Unity in the Community." Theresa Sparks, PhD, retired Clinical Psychologist: “LGBTQIA Rights are Human Rights.”
The Women's March on Washington
March Agreements for Participants
Making Women’s Marches safe spaces for all kinds of people is critical to their success. We expect everyone taking part in Women’s Marches around the world to respect the following agreements:
We will use no violence (physical or verbal) towards any person.
We will not destroy or damage property.
We will promote a tone of respect, honesty, transparency, and accountability in our actions.
We will not carry anything that can be construed as a weapon, nor possess (or consume) any alcohol or drugs.
We are non-partisan, and will use the Women’s March primarily to express our support for women’s rights and human rights in our communities and the country, rather than to criticize politicians or political parties.
We will all hold each other accountable to respecting these agreements.
Make friends from "all sides of the aisle" in this NON-PARTISAN experience, as we stand in solidarity with The Womens' March on Washington. We share their Mission:
"We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families -- recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country. Because women's rights are human rights."