Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers' Moral March to State House Assembly in Annapolis

Start: Saturday, March 02, 202411:00 AM

End: Saturday, March 02, 2024 2:00 PM

(ver traducción al español a continuación)

Event Details
- Saturday, March 2nd 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

- Lawyer's Mall, 100 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401

- Rain or Shine: There is a potential for light rain during the event itself, we will not let a little rain stop a movement as our power is in numbers.

- Bring: Umbrella/Poncho, ID (this is just to get into the State House for the restroom - if you do not have an ID we have a second bathroom location within a short walk)

31 state campaigns across the nation will hold Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers' Moral March to State House Assemblies in concert at their respective capitals as the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival prepares to deliver its demands to state legislatures.

March to start at 11am (plan to arrive early); Assembly to continue at 12pm…

For your convenience in driving to the March 2nd action in Annapolis, we have arranged with Calvary United Methodist Church for complimentary parking. Here are the details:

  • Park in the church county lot located at 301 Rowe Blvd, Annapolis, MD 21401.
  • Enter the county parking lot located next to the church. There will be a greeter at the lot, which has 200 parking spaces.
  • Shuttle buses are provided from 9:45am to 11:45am to take you to Lawyers Mall, the location of the assembly. The drivers will discuss with you where to be picked up for the return shuttle trip, which will depart at 2:25pm back to your vehicle.


Traer su identificación para acceder al baño en la Casa de Gobierno

Lluvia o Sol - traer un paraguas o poncho

En todo el país, 31 estados tendrán Asambleas Masivas de Personas Pobres y Trabajadores de Bajo Salarios en sus respectivas capitales para que la Campaña de los Pobres: Un Llamado Nacional para el Renacimiento Moral se prepare para entregar sus demandas a las legislaturas estatales.

La marcha comenzará a las 11 a.m. (planee llegar temprano); La asamblea continuará al mediodía…

Estacione en el lote del condado de la iglesia ubicado en 301 Rowe Blvd, Annapolis, MD 21401 (Este lote está al lado de Calvary UMC).