Ansley Mall Starbucks Solidarity Sip-In
Start: Saturday, May 21, 2022• 2:00 PM
The Starbucks workers at Ansley Mall have filed for a union and need your support! All over the country, Starbucks management is cracking down and engaging in illegal union busting tactics, so we've got to let the workers that their local community supports a union "yes" vote.
Join us next Saturday May 21st from 2:00-3:00 PM for a Solidarity "Sip in". Visit the Starbucks at Ansley Mall (1544 Piedmont Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30324) and order a drink under the name "Union Yes" to show the workers you support the union. Don't forget to leave a cash tip!
If you're a DSA member to wear red! Plus, come early to get a Starbucks United Button.