April Decision Making Day

Start: Saturday, April 06, 202410:00 AM

End: Saturday, April 06, 2024 9:00 PM

Join us for our third decision day for Climate Camp 2024 - 6/04/2024

Location: Edinburgh Kurdish Community Centre, located at Dumbryden Rd, Edinburgh EH14 2AA.

Time: Saturday 6th April 10.00 - 21.00. Drop in and out as and when you need to

We have a date, we have a location and we now need a plan. Since we decided to go to Aberdeen we have started productive conversations with the local community in and around Aberdeen. There is a lot of excitement and energy about climate camp coming up to Aberdeen again. July will be a critical time for a lot of campaigns in Aberdeen and especially in Torry.

We also have the opportunity this year to continue building power against oil & gas in the north East. With big infrastructure projects like Peterhead gas station in the works and more offshore oil fields being developed it has never been more critical to take the fight to the heart of Europe's oil capital.

We need to decide what our key vision and objectives are for this year's camp, this requires everyone’s participation and insight. The decisions we make on the 6th of April will set the direction for the many different working groups within CCS organising towards camp. It will also provide structure to our relationship building in Aberdeen & for our local groups all over the country.

Lunch & Dinner will be provided by SKIFA and if people are keen there is space for a bonfire social at the centre.