Asheville Chapter Meetup

Start: Thursday, January 30, 2020 6:00 PM

End: Thursday, January 30, 2020 8:00 PM

Join us for our 2nd launch meeting on January 30 to learn about World BEYOND War's campaigns, share your interests and concerns, and discuss how we can come together as Asheville for a World BEYOND War! We will discuss how we can educate, organize, and advocate locally and globally for a peace-based economy that works for all of us.

Our Asheville chapter will provide a platform for peace education and anti-war activism to highlight the social, economic, and environmental costs of militarism. We'll advocate for change through weapons divestment and educating about the alternatives to war, the strategies needed to move us towards an alternative global security system based on peace, nonviolence, and demilitarization. And World BEYOND War will provide us with free educational materials and organizing training to make this happen.

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