AT: The Power of Privilege

Start: Monday, June 17, 2019 1:00 PM

End: Monday, June 17, 2019 4:00 PM

Please join the DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence for an advanced training exploring privilege, and how our individual identities and privilege as service providers impact our work with domestic violence survivors and the broader community. This event will explore power and service provider privilege, and best practices for recognizing, responding to, and marshalling privilege in our work. The 3-hour workshop will be led by Saida Agostini, and is designed for advocates and service providers working to empower survivors and their families in DC.

About our facilitator:

Saida Agostini is a gender based violence activist, artist and strategic thought partner for non-profits seeking to build mission aligned spaces. Saida has led capacity building, program development and evaluation initiatives for a diverse range of national, state and community organizations. She organized statewide advocacy efforts promoting the rights of LGBTQ youth in foster care, education and juvenile justice, and directed national art actions uplifting the visibility of Black girls, women, and LGBTQ communities. The Director of Capacity Building at the YWCA USA, she has worked with a diverse range of organizations, including FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture, a survivor artist collective, where Saida guided organizational capacity building efforts as the Chief Operating Officer.   In November 2017, Saida was named a Movement Maker by the Move to End Violence, a program of the NoVo Foundation. Saida has received honors for her art and activism from the Cave Canem Foundation, the Baltimore Sun, and the Leeway Foundation. She holds an MSW from the University of Pennsylvania.

For questions or to request accommodations, please contact Leanne at

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