August 2023 Unlearning Circle (7/12/2023)

Start: 2023-08-12 10:00:00 UTC Central Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

End: 2023-08-12 12:00:00 UTC Central Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

Join us for our August Unlearning Circle:

Take an Organizing Deep Dive: Building Accountability

Saturday, 8/12/2023 from 10am-noon CST

Please join us on zoom, August 12, from 10am-12:00 for our Unlearning Circle

Ron Chisom, founder of the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, says an organizer is anyone who brings people together for a purpose. That purpose might be deep canvassing, a rally, or speaking at city council. It might be planning a party. An outing for your child and their friends. Mom’s sixtieth birthday party. We are all organizers.

Our three ULCs on organizing explore how we become anti-racist organizers by focusing on developing leadership, building accountability, and analyzing power.

We continue our series on organizing by exploring how to build accountable communities. What does it mean to organize accountably? Who are we accountable to? Why is accountability important?

What does it mean to hold one another in “loving accountability?” What structure do we need to build to hold one another as we move forward together?

Our white-centered culture encourages punishment and ousting people rather than collectively taking responsibility for holding its members accountable. Rather than staying connected.

Join us on August 12 for our next Unlearning Circle, as we explore deepening our relationship with accountability with curiosity and compassion, for ourselves and one another.

Although this is a series of three unlearning circles, each circle is independent. Join us, even if just for this one.

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