August General Meeting

Start: 2024-08-11 16:30:00 UTC Central Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

End: 2024-08-11 18:00:00 UTC Central Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

Please join the new Steering Committee at our August General Meeting. We have a lot going on around us and we have a real shot at making a difference in our community with some collective actions in the labor movement and our Legislature. We need your input and support on these actions. We are building lasting relationships with other orgs that have like views and goals! Lets take some power back from the elites and put it in the hands of the working class!

4:30 - 6pm Aug. 11th

Indigo Bridge 1624 S. 17th St. Ste. 200 Lincoln. NE 68502

Agenda available upon request

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