Authoritarianism Study/Action Group

Start: Saturday, May 30, 2020 2:30 PM

End: Saturday, May 30, 2020 4:00 PM

Armed militias threaten elected officials in Democratic states, with open Administration encouragement. As Trump faces potential defeat in November due to his bungling of the COVID pandemic, he is firing inspector generals, assaulting the rule of law, distributing PPE based on political criteria, and whipping up his reactionary, racist base with ever more explicit threats.

Is the United States threatened by fascism, and if so what should the peace and progressive movement do to answer the threat?  What are the international dimensions of the situation and what historical precedents are applicable?

The recently formed Authoritarianism Study/Action Group, initiated by Massachusetts Peace Action, invites you to join us to study and discuss these burning questions. We have scheduled three study meetings, which will be conducted by Zoom, and are also working on webinars with leading movement voices.  After that the group’s path will be decided by the members.

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