Back Patrick - Door knocking and Leafleting 31st Jan

Start: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 5:30 PM

As you know the by-election is proving to be competitive!  We have been so impressed by your enthusiasm and energy so far.  Because of the amazing commitment so many of you have shown, Patrick has a real chance of winning this - But we don't want to get complacent.  We need to keep this up, if we do, we can win!

We have some fantastic people volunteering for and running extra Door Knocking events.  If you can make any of them we would love for you to join us (and please feel free to bring any friends or family members you think would also enjoy getting involved).

Or next event is - Tuesday 31st Jan  -  Starting 17:30  -  Meeting at Bristol Green Party Office

Don't worry if you've not done Door Knocking before, we will give you scripts and make sure you are compleatly happy before you go out!

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