Basic Income North 2023

Start: Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 12:15 PM GMT

End: Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 3:45 PM GMT

This is a virtual event

This event is now being held on Zoom due to railway strikes on 20th July as an online symposium exploring basic income in the North of England.

With prominent business and government leaders backing calls to implement universal basic income (UBI), the idea is receiving high levels of coverage and interest across the north of England.

But what is UBI? How might it work, what might be the benefits, and is this something that could work in the North? These questions will be examined and pondered upon in this joint Basic Income North and RSA event.

The aim of this event is to continue discussions around Basic Income in a Northern context, and to show what incremental changes can be made to current systems to achieve a Basic Income in due course.


13:15-13:30hrs   Arrival and introduction with Patrick Hurley and Cleo Goodman

13:30-14:00hrs   Opening keynote - Immy Kaur

14:00-14:30hrs   In conversation with world-leading expert on inequality - Kate Pickett

14:30-15:20hrs  Breakout discussions:

15:20-15:30hrs   - - - - - COFFEE BREAK - - - - -

15:30-16:00hrs   UK keynote and Q&A - Andy Burnham

16:00-16:30hrs   US keynote and Q&A - Scott Santens

16:30-16:45hrs   Wrapping up with Cleo Goodman

Event by
UBI Lab Network
Churchover, United Kingdom
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