Being the youngest candidate for the DÁil with Young Irish Green Tate Donnelly

Start: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 7:00 PM GMT

This is a virtual event

Join the South East Young Greens for a discussion with Tate Donnelly on being a Young Green active in politics in the Republic of Ireland. Members and non-members welcome!

We're delighted to have Tate joining us for this look at Irish politics, the 2020 general election and what it's like to be a Young Green general election candidate. Tate will also be sharing with us the key issues of his campaign and thoughts on the position of the Green Party in Ireland moving forward before answering your questions.  

Tate Donnelly was the youngest TD candidate in the country at the 2020 election, for the constituency of Cavan-Monaghan. His campaign, a key focus of which was standing up for young people, generated international media attention.

Join us to hear from Tate and gain a fascinating insight into Irish politics. Sign up!

Please note: All times are BST

Image description: Graphic with photo of Tate Donnelly and text reading "Young Irish Green Tate Donnelly on being the youngest Dáil candidate".

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