Beirut Day of Action: In Solidarity with Women’s March on Washington

Start: Saturday, January 21, 2017 3:00 PM

End: Saturday, January 21, 2017 7:00 PM

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In solidarity with the Women's March on Washington, our Beirut Day of Action aims to create a space for feminist and anti-oppression organizing. This is a women-led event, inclusive of people of all genders, ages, races, cultures, nationalities, political affiliations, and backgrounds. We gather on January 21st to affirm our collective humanity and join WMW's actions of resistance and self-determination.

- 3:00-3:45 pm: Welcome and Opening Dialogue
- 3:45-5:00 pm: Mobilizing Workshops
   (i) Network and Tools Mapping
   (ii) Speaking Truth to Power
   (iii) What's Next?
- 5:00-7:00 pm: Let's meet each other, break bread together, and tune in live to marches around the world!

*We welcome people to join for part or all of the event, but emphasize that the sessions from 3:00-5:00 pm will build on each other! We ask you to join for that whole time, if possible.

Dammeh Cooperative | تعاونية الضمّة - Achrafieh, Beirut

RSVP for map with exact location.

Why are we doing this?
We believe in Women's Rights and Human Rights. We believe Gender Justice is Racial Justice is Economic Justice. While this event was catalyzed by the Women's March on Washington and the rise of right-wing governments across the world, it is not limited to action on these events. We want to create links between existing networks and feminist/anti-oppression actions in Beirut, show solidarity with Washington and women around the world, and take action as individuals and as a collective.

See the full guiding principles of the Women's March here:

A small introduction on The Dammeh Cooperative: We seek to create a cooperative for women and trans* persons to develop, sustain, and practice politics of social, economic, environmental, and gender justice and that grows larger and stronger to influence the political, cultural, social, and economic structures we live in.

The cooperative is built on social and political values agreed on and works to translate these values into policy and practice in its structure, governance, and activities.

We will be taking donations at the event.

All the money would go to the Dammeh coop to keep it sustainable.

مقدمة صغيرة عن الضمّة: نهدف إلى بناء تعاونية للنساء والترانس*، وتطوير وممارسة النشاط السياسي نحو العدالة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والبيئية والجندرية، وإلى تمكين وتنمية هذه التعاونية للتأثير على الأنظمة السياسية والثقافية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية في مجتمعاتنا

تُبنى هذه التعاونية على القيم والمبادئ المتّفق عليها ونعمل على ترجمة وتطوير هذه المبادئ إلى سياسات وممارسات في هيكليتنا وادارتنا ونشاطاتنا

ان جميع الأموال من هذا النشاط ستذهب الى الضمّة لتساهم باستمرارية وجودها

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