No Profits from Genocide! Rally at Intel HQ in Hillsboro April 15

Start: Monday, April 15, 2024 8:00 AM

End: Monday, April 15, 202410:00 AM

banner from rally that reads "No Tech for Genocide"

No Profits from Genocide! Rally at Intel HQ in Hillsboro April 15

Please join us April 15th!

We are asking those who can to show up at 7 am- the rally will start at 8 and last until 10 am. The location for the rally is here: Please be prompt!

Parking is available at the nearby WinCo/Kohl’s:

You can take the Max to nearby Orenco Station. It is a 10-15 minute walk from either max or parking to the site! Please bear that in mind.

We will have banners, signs, and sounds to build energy- and we will be joined by groups from across the Portland Metro organizing in solidarity with Palestine!

Last month the Intel Corporation was added to the national Palestinian-led Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement's list of companies to boycott, due to their involvement in the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Here in the Portland Metro, Portland DSA and allies are proud to join the ambitious global #BoycottIntel campaign, targeting the US computer-chip giant due to its decision in December to invest $25b in Israel to expand a manufacturing plant..

We will be rallying at Intel's Hillsboro campus on April 15th (Tax Day) to protest the massive profits that Intel is making from economic collaboration with the Israeli state, and to demand that they close their factory and divest immediately. April 15th will be a day of economic blockade against Israeli economic interests across the country, and joining this rally is one way you can take part here in Portland. Our rally will connect with a growing movement of dissatisfied Intel workers who are horrified to find themselves in association with Israel's wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people.

Read more from the international BDS movement: