Discussion: Impact of Brighton & Hove Ward Boundary Changes

Start: 2022-03-15 19:00:00 UTC Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (GMT+00:00)

This is a virtual event

Ward Boundary Changes for Roundhill, Seven Dials, St. Peter’s & North Laine

New boundaries are being proposed for council wards in Brighton & Hove City Council, as part of a broader electoral review process through the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE).

Electoral reviews do happen from time to time, and the purpose is to create ‘electoral equality’, where the number of electors per councillor is as even as possible.

What does this mean for SPNL?
Following a period of consultation, the LGBCE recommend a two-councillor Round Hill ward, with Lewes Road and London Road forming the ward’s south-eastern and south-western boundaries, and the ward’s northern boundary comprising Hollingdean Road, Grantham Road and Stanford Avenue.

In addition, the LGBCE recommend a three-councillor Seven Dials, St. Peter’s & North Laine ward, with the northern portion of Regency ward joining the existing St Peter’s & North Laine ward below London Road. The A23 will form a boundary to the east of the ward, with North Street and Upper North Street providing boundaries to the south. There is also a recommendation to rename the ward in order to reflect the spread of communities in the area.

Want to know more?
Join us for an open discussion led by Councillors Pete West and Lizzie Deane, where they will share an update on this consultation, a broader view on the boundary recommendations and what this means for the future of St. Peter's & North Laine. This is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, concerns or ideas regarding these new proposals.

When: Tuesday, 15 March
Where: Online, Zoom
Time: 19:00 - 20:00

via the form, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Got a Burning Question?
Submit any initial questions you have ahead of the event via the RSVP form to help kick start the conversation.

Ward Name Suggestions
We welcome your ideas for a new ward name - where Seven Dials is now joining St. Peter's and North Laine.