BTV Dems 2020 Caucus!
Start: Sunday, January 12, 2020• 5:30 PM
Hi BTV Democrats!
Here's everything you need to know about the BTV Dems 2020 Caucus! Please click RSVP so we can feed you! We are super excited that this year we will have kid activities, childcare, and dinner so bring your fam and participate in democracy! =)
Please find all the event info below.
Key Information
- Where: Edmunds Elementary School, 299 Main St. Burlington, VT
- When: January 12th, 5:30 PM
- How Long: 5:30 PM to 8PM (Subject to change)
- Parking: Parking is located in back
- Childcare: Childcare will be provided on site by volunteers with the Burlington Democrats
- Dinner: Dinner will be provided by the Burlington Democrats starting at 5:30 PM!
Nominating Caucus Process Information
Schedule (subject to change):
- Arrival/check-in and Dinner - 5:30 pm
- Welcome from the Chair - 5:55 PM
- Speech from Mayor Miro Weinberger - 6:05
- Break into Wards and commence voting - 6:15
- Final notes and announcements from the Chair - 7pm
Ward breakouts:
Each ward will begin by electing the chair of their Democratic Ward Committee. Once each Ward has elected a Ward chair, the ward will nominate and vote on candidates for the following positions:
- City Councilor
- Ward Clerk
- Inspector of Elections
Voting Procedure:
Nomination for an office shall require a majority of those present and voting, and if no candidate shall have received a majority after the first ballot, the candidate with the lowest number of votes in the first and in each succeeding ballot shall be eliminated until a candidate receives a majority. Where multiple nominees must be selected, including but not limited to Justice of the Peace nominations, the Committee may choose to use one ballot and nominate those who receive the largest number of votes on that ballot, up to the number of nominees required.
Eligibility to Participate and Vote in Nominating Caucuses:
Any registered voter who resides in the City of Burlington, in the case of a citywide nomination, or any registered voter who resides in the respective ward, in the case of an election for a position limited to that ward, shall be eligible to vote in a caucus duly warned for that purpose, so long as that person: 1) does not currently hold membership in another organized party’s committee, or 2) has not voted in another party’s caucus for the same nomination in the same election.
Nominations for Elected Office:
Interested candidates shall notify the Chair of the Burlington Democratic Party no later than 12:00 p.m. ten days before the date of the nominating caucus, unless such a day is a weekend or state holiday, in which case the deadline shall fall on the next business day. All candidates shall accomplish notification by sending an email stating an intention to run along with his or her name, ward or district, and street address to Other timely forms of notification may be accepted at the discretion of the city chairperson. If more than one candidate achieves timely notification the nominee will be selected at the nominating caucus for city council candidates. If no candidate submits his or her nomination by the aforementioned deadline nominations will be accepted from the floor of the caucus. If there is no nominee after a nominating caucus, or a nominee decides not to run or is disqualified from running, the officers of the Burlington Democratic Party may select a nominee at their discretion.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to See you on the 12th!