Buchanan Mock Town Hall Meeting

Start: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 1:00 PM

We have requested a Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Buchanan on several occasions but have been told nothing is scheduled. So, we are scheduling our own. The Congressman will be invited but probably will not attend. If he DOES Not ATTEND, as expected, we’ll use the opportunity to create a list of all of the questions we want answered. The questions will be written on a roll of FAX paper which we’ll deliver to his Sarasota office the following week. We’ll unroll the list and trail it through the Federal Building, up to his office and present it to his staffers. Wednesday, February 22 1:00-3:00 (stairs and elevator accessible) ***IMPORTANT*** ***PARKING INSIDE THE FENCE IS FOR FIREFIGHTERS ONLY*** Additional parking is available across from Waldemere at the health facility or on the street. Carpooling is recommended if possible. “Everyone participating in this Event will be required to abide by all applicable laws and lawful orders of authorities. This Event will be nonviolent and will not involve any civil disobedience or other violation of law.”