Budget Chair Phil Ting's Budget Town Hall

Start: Friday, May 12, 202312:30 PM

End: Friday, May 12, 2023 2:00 PM

On Friday, May 12, join fellow transit supporters at Assembly Member and Budget Chair Ting's Budget Town Hall.  We need to let the powerful budget chair know how urgent it is to support transit service in the state budget, to prevent the fiscal cliff and help regrow ridership. RSVP for talking points and signs.  

Why does transit need state funding?

As federal COVID relief funds draw down and transit ridership remains well below pre-pandemic levels, Bay Area transit agencies are faced with large budget shortfalls. Revenue deficits for all 27 Bay Area transit agencies are estimated around $3 billion over the next 5 years.

In light of this dire situation, state funding will be essential to avoid the fiscal cliff and help improve the system to regrow ridership.

Without new revenue streams, agencies will have to make tough decisions to cut back on transit service (such as eliminating routes, reduced frequencies, and less weekend service), fare hikes, and transit agency staff layoffs. We cannot afford to let our transit agencies flounder. This would be a disaster for marginalized communities, our state’s climate goals, and all California residents.

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