Buena Vista Co-op Celebration Brunch
Start: Sunday, December 18, 2022•11:00 AM
Come celebrate and show your support for the purchase and formation of the Buena Vista Tenant Co-op with the new tenant-owners! This victory has been a long and arduous fight and a celebration of the immense victories won by tenants is long overdue! Meet the tenants and tenant leaders that have been fighting for their health and homes in the face of years of landlord opposition and neglect. Now those same tenants can remain in their homes and preserve affordable housing despite the continually skyrocketing cost of living in the District.
The next step in this fight will be to repair and renovate the many parts of the building that the landlord left in terrible condition, including a broken boiler, decrepit HVAC system, and extensive water damage. To that end we'll be discussing future fundraising efforts for the critical and immediate repairs such as a gala and other events.
Stomp Out Slumlord organizers will help host this event in the apartment lobby and will bring food and drink but please feel free to bring something as this will be a potluck style event.