Building Group Power: Meet Our YG Candidates + Phone banking Training
Start: Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM GMT
End: Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 8:30 PM GMT
This is a virtual event
Currently the average age of councilors is 59. This needs to change if we’re going to bring young people's priorities into the place of power and create real climate action. When we get young people into local authorities we can see the huge impact that they have on improving everyone's futures.
Last year we campaigned across the country and contributed towards hundreds of new Green councilors getting elected, including a record number of Young Greens - there are now 19 in total. This year, we know that even more can win with your help!
It's you, our group organisers and volunteers, that will be so central to our success in 2022. Whether you've run an election campaign or never knocked on a door in your life, we want you to be involved. Our Building Group Power sessions will provide you with the knowledge and skills to get involved, as well as an opportunity to meet other Young Greens who are getting stuck in.
Join us on WEDNESDAY 6 APRIL as we Build Group Power.
Connect with Young Greens activists
Meet some of our amazing Young Greens Candidates
Phone banking Training
P.S. Make sure to RSVP. If you can't make it to this one we will be meeting again later in the month and we would love to have you along to one of our action days: