Bus to DC for Women's March on the Pentagon: 51st anniversary of 1967 historic protest

Start: Saturday, October 20, 201811:00 PM

End: Monday, October 22, 2018 3:00 AM

Women's March on the Pentagon: 51st anniversary of 1967 historic protest

Submitted by dmcfarland on Fri, 02/09/2018 - 9:05pm
When: Saturday, October 20, 2018, 10:00 am to Sunday, October 21, 2018, 6:00 pm
Where: Washington DC area • (details forthcoming) • Washington DC

October 20-21: Women's March on the Pentagon

-Reserve seats in advance (deadline September 21) PayPal or by check/MO. $80 per person r/t

-Meet Chelsea City Hall (500 Broadway, Chelsea, MA) 10:30 PM Saturday October 20. BUS DEPARTS 11:00 PM SHARP.
-Bus arrives 9:00 AM Sunday October 21- Springfield, VA Metro Station (WDC) plenty of time to get oriented and maybe some breakfast nearby.
Will be at Metro Station (subway). You will take subway to Pentagon. (Details forthcoming.)
-March and rally @11 - 4 PM (tentative)
-Bus departs 6:00 PM Springfield Metro 6 PM SHARP
-Arrives Boston (Chelsea City Hall) 3:00 AM Monday October 22.

**Passes will be issued for safe parking at Chelsea City Hall parking lot. It is secure and well lit.

Some details will be fine-tuned. Please feel free to ask questions, share concerns or information YOU might have!

To pay by PayPal you can use my secure account:
paypal.me/wmop2018 if you would rather pay by check, let me know and I will send the address. Checks MUST clear by 9/21 or no reservation.

Thanks! Let's rally!

Below is the Call to Action from Women's March on the Pentagon

In response to the continuing march of military aggression by the USA and to put an antiwar agenda back on the table of activists, we are calling for a Women's (and allies) March on the Pentagon on the 51st anniversary of the 1967 big antiwar event in Washington D.C. and subsequent march on the Pentagon that had 50,000 people!

50,000 people marched on the Pentagon on October 21, 1967 in opposition to the escalation of U.S. imperialist aggression in Vietnam. An anti-war rally was held at West Potomac Park near the Lincoln Memorial where 70,000 people had gathered for a concert by musician and peace activist Phil Ochs. Both groups joined together and marched; this action was to be known as the March on the Pentagon. During 1967 there were numerous anti-war marches across the nation in all major cities including New York, Boston, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.

These actions and the subsequent protests and demos of the 1968 presidential elections would lead to the call for a general strike which culminated in the mobilization of 500,000 protestors in another march on the Pentagon known as the Vietnam Moratorium which took place on October 15, 1969. A month later, due to the success of the first march, another rally was held.

On October 7th, 2001, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan under the pretext of apprehending those behind the attacks on the Twin Towers in 2001. U.S. forces have remained in active occupation, making the illegal and immoral war in Afghanistan the longest foreign occupation in U.S. history.

In response to the ongoing U.S. military aggression across the globe and the continuing bi-partisan increases in Pentagon funding, we are calling for a 21st century March on the Pentagon on the 51st anniversary of the massive 1967 march and all the subsequent marches. The bloated military budget is draining our communities and families dry of precious blood and treasure while decimating nations and peoples who have done nothing to us.

The title, “Women’s March on the Pentagon” is in direct response to a leader of the recent Women’s March who said, “I appreciate that war is YOUR issue Cindy, but the Women’s March will NEVER address the war issue as long as women aren’t free.” It is the belief of many of us that NO woman is free while the US spends trillions of dollars bombing millions and militarily occupying over 150 countries around the world.

Our demands are simple: The complete end to the wars abroad; closure of foreign bases; dramatically slash the Pentagon budget to fund healthy social programs here at home: the only good empire is a gone empire.

The antiwar/peace, anti-imperialist voice has been shut out of and marginalized by many protests and movements especially since Trump's inauguration. We are in solidarity with most social and environmental movements, yet many refuse to address war and the preparations for war. War affects us all in one way or another. War destroys the natural environment.

The "nuclear clock" is at two minutes to midnight, and with the threat of nuclear annihilation becoming an incomprehensible reality, WE MUST MARCH FOR PEACE AND AGAINST THE WAR MACHINE.

This is not, nor will it turn into, a Get Out the Vote Rally for the Democrat half of the War Party. This is a principled call to action against the entire rotten Empire.

More information: https://www.marchonpentagon.com/

Schedule of Events
October 20-21

We are pleased that our team in DC, core team, and steering committee are getting a tentative schedule looking more concrete for the WMOP weekend in Washington DC.

Saturday, October 20


This workshop will focus on the time-honored strategy of civil resistance. After we chat about the history and significance, we will talk about non-violent actions and what to expect from a police state response.

Basics of self-defense for women.

How to be our own media in the capital of propaganda.

Sunday, October 21st

11:00 am to Noon: Gather at Pentagon City Metro Station

Noon to 1:00 pm: MARCH ON THE PENTAGON

  • We are asking that people respect the environment and try to use only renewable/recyclable/re- purposed materials for your signs/banners. Banners/flags are preferable to signs.

  • We hope signs will reflect our energy of putting the PRO back in PRO-test! Tons of garbage are always left behind from protests/rallies/marches, please plan on leaving our area nicer than we found it—-we know DC is the cesspool of the world and the Pentagon is a dangerous place, but we are not “dirty hippies” (whatever that is), we are PRO-environment and PRO-community. Most of us don’t live there, let’s not trash someone else’s community.

2:00 pm until 4:00: Rally with speakers/music/entertainment (Speakers/performers TBA)

4:00 pm: Opportunity for non-violent civil resistance

October 21st to November 11th


  • We are planning on collaborating with other organizations in Washington DC to organize a “roling”occupation of the Pentagon between WMOP and Veteran’s Day.

  • We main organizers have been volunteering almost full-time to lay the groundwork for this historic (we hope) re-energizing of a truly non-partisan and principled movement to be PRO-active against the degradations and violence of imperialism, led by US Imperialism.

Please consider joining/chairing one of our committees.
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