Busselton Prevent Support Heal mental health forum

Start: Friday, May 21, 202110:00 AM

End: Friday, May 21, 202112:00 PM

WA’s mental health system is badly in need of rebalancing, away from costly crisis-led acute services to a focus on preventing mental health issues escalating and making it easy to access the right support, at the right time, in the right place, from the right people.

We know mental health is a growing problem, but without proper funding our health system won’t be able to cope. This funding will deliver prevention programs to increase awareness, reduce stigma and encourage early intervention. In addition, it will provide more resources for community services to support recovery with counselling and support near home, rather than in expensive hospitals.

Join the Prevent Support Heal campaign as we hear from the local community of Busselton to discuss what is needed, learn more about the campaign and how you can get involved.

The scale of the investment requires significant collaboration and leadership. The government, mental health sector, people with lived experience and the wider community must all work together if we are to shift to a better, more balanced system.

We look forward to you joining us and hearing from people who want a better mental health system – we have a better way.

Morning tea will be provided.

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