CA-50 - Rep. Duncan Hunter Dec. 2015

Start: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 8:30 AM

Join as us as deliver our December letter to Congress. In the letter we ask Congress to act on the following issues:

Vote no on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the multinational corporate / commercial agreement that would serve special interests while exporting U.S. jobs and hurting our families.

Support significantly increasing the number of Syrian refugees allowed to come to the U.S., to fully fund U.N. refugee programs, reject calls for military escalation, and to promote negotiations to end the Syrian civil war.

Insist on a clean budget deal and vote no on any budget riders.

Honor hard work by cosponsoring the Pay Workers a Living Wage Act (S. 1832 / H.R. 3164).

Cosponsor the SAVE Benefits Act (S. 2251 / H.R. 4144) to provide for a supplementary payment to Social Security beneficiaries, supplemental security income beneficiaries, and recipients of veterans benefits.

And (for the House only) cosponsor H.Res.540, Expressing the sense of the House that the policies of the United States should support a transition to near zero greenhouse gas emissions, 100 percent clean renewable energy, infrastructure modernization, green jobs, full employment, a sustainable economy, fair wages, affordable energy, expanding the middle class, and ending poverty to promote national economic competitiveness and national security and avoiding the adverse impacts of a changing climate.

Event by
david Keeler
Westminster, France
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Ruther Glen, VA