CalCare tabling w/ Healthcare Justice at Hollywood Farmers' Market - Sunday

Start: Sunday, November 28, 2021 8:00 AM

End: Sunday, November 28, 2021 1:00 PM

CalCare (AB1400) will be in front of key committees in the CA Assembly in January!

Join us as we table to educate on CalCare (AB1400) in Assemblymember Richard Bloom's district.

Help gather supporters for a Medicare for All style program in California. 2-hour shifts.

Like Medicare for All, CalCare is built on 7 core principles:

  1. Universal coverage to all Californians as a human right
  2. A single, public program that would pay for all necessary and appropriate care for California residents
  3. Comprehensive benefits, including medical, dental, vision, reproductive care, long term care, and more
  4. Freedom to choose the doctors and hospital of your choice, with no narrow networks restricting what provider you can see
  5. Care that is free at the point of service, with no copays, deductibles, or prior authorizations
  6. A just transition for the workers who may be displaced or otherwise affected by the switch to CalCare; and
  7. Patient care based on patient need, with no financial incentives to delay or deny care, provided based on the professional judgment of your care provider, not corporate boardrooms