Your Pension, Our Future: Organize for Climate-Safe Pensions

Start: Thursday, April 23, 2020 4:00 PM

Learn about Fossil Free California's high-leverage, multi-generational campaigns to shift our pensions out of risky fossil fuels and into regenerative climate solutions - and the exciting new North American coalition for climate-safe pension campaigns.

ONLINE event, co-hosted by

Featuring Kathy Hipple of IEEFA, on how the oil markets' current free-fall provides a critical opportunity for action; CA State Sen. Ben Allen, author of landmark legislation requiring pension funds to report on climate-related financial risk; and pension campaigners and legal and financial experts from across North America.  

With representatives from a growing network of campaigns targeting pension funds in Ontario, Colorado, Alaska, New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota, we will share successes and strategies. Join us to learn how youth climate activists are mobilizing with workers and retirees, using this moment to push for a massive shift of capital to support a new, decarbonized global economy.

Pension funds are among the world’s largest institutional investors— and nearly all of them invest in fossil fuels. California is home to the two largest pension funds, CalSTRS and CalPERS, which together have over $17B invested in coal, gas, and oil. Fossil fuel investments are losing our public employees money, supporting pollution in our communities, and threatening our climate. With the current pandemic and plummeting oil prices, today these funds are at a pivotal moment, with the power to dramatically affect the course of history. Join us for this important panel and learn how to get involved!