Call Goddard College to support workers on strike!
Start: Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 3:00 PM GMT
End: Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 2:00 AM GMT
This is a virtual event

Support Goddard College workers on strike! Call Board Chair Mark Jones at 425-413-6000 and Finance Committee Chair Michael Cairns at 510-649-2434 to ask them to stop the unfair labor practices and negotiate in good faith.
If you're not able to talk to someone, feel free to leave a message. And help us keep track of how many calls have been made by filling out the form on this page when you're done!
Here's a sample script:
Hi, my name is ____, and I'm a student/alum/Vermont resident/community member/ally calling to ask Mark Jones and Michael Cairns to stop Goddard College's unfair labor practices against its staff on strike for a just contract.
I am outraged at management’s decision to rip away workers’ health insurance benefits during their strike. I’m also disturbed by management’s total disregard for labor laws protecting workers’ constitutional rights to collective bargaining and a voice at work. These actions are an affront to Goddard College’s progressive and radical roots.
Goddard College is important to the economy and social fabric of Vermont and Washington state, and the college’s staff deserve living wages and recognition for their sacrifices and work to support our/their communities. The staff are rooted in our/their communities, and we will support them for as long as it takes in their fight for justice.
I'm calling to ask the Board of Trustees to stop the unfair labor practices, negotiate in good faith, and work with the Goddard staff, faculty, alumni, students, and the broader community to create a just and thriving Goddard College. There is enormous enthusiasm, energy, and will to grow the college and mobilize every connection to fulfill Goddard's progressive and radical mission. Thank you for your time.