Cambridge Activist Afternoons March 8

Start: Sunday, March 08, 2020 4:00 PM

End: Sunday, March 08, 2020 6:00 PM

Activist Afternoons is a way for all members of our community to gather and take action on the issues and elections we care about. Thank you for being an awesome activist - we're inspiring others to take action!

Note: Given the current climate around COVID-19, please opt to stay home if you are feeling under the weather. We need you healthy to take action, and we'll be around when you're well! A few of the activities we have scheduled on Sunday have options to work remotely (see "Remote Work Options" section below). Please feel free shoot us an email at if you have any questions.

On-site Activities:

  • Swing Left Greater Boston will be sending postcards to Democrats in North Carolina that have been purged from the voter rolls telling them how to re-register.
  • Swing Left Greater Boston will be calling voters with the Maine Dems to help oust Susan Collins and turn Maine blue!*
  • Sister District MA-RI will be calling voters in Pennsylvania for Harold Hayes, who's running in a special election March 17 to flip one of nine seats Democrats need to win the PA House.*
  • Massachusetts Jobs with Justice Phonebank for the Driving Families Forward. Help all Massachusetts residents, regardless of immigration status, access the basic right of a driver's license! We will be calling constituents and getting them to leave voicemails with their state legislators to let them know that they NEED to bring the Work and Family Mobility Act for a floor vote. Sign up here:
  • Environmental Voter Project to text  environmentalists about their upcoming elections! We will contact voters using a texting software called Hustle that can be used on a computer or smartphone.
  • Justice Democrats will be phonebanking for Morgan Harper, running for Congress in Ohio District 3. Please bring your phone and laptop. Her primary is coming up on March 17, and she can't do this without us!!

Remote Work Options:

*Might phonebank? Please bring either a laptop (preferred) or tablet and charger along with your cellphone. You'll also need a headset or earphones with a microphone to call potential voters and volunteers.*

Want to host your own activity at Activist Afternoons? Get in touch -- we'd love to help!

Activist Afternoons (ActA) creates a space for members of the community to gather and take action on the issues and elections we care about. Each week we provide a menu of causes and actions you can take to help move our politics forward on all levels, from your neighborhood to the White House.

We meet every Sunday from 4pm to 6pm at Workbar Central Square, 45 Prospect Street in Cambridge.   Like us on Facebook!
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