Campaign for Childcare Nap Zaps - Tuesday, February 13th

Start: 2024-02-13 15:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

End: 2024-02-13 16:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

RSVP for the Tuesday, February 13th Campaign for Childcare NAP ZAP!

You can RSVP here for other days this week if those work better: Wednesday (with special Valentine's messages), Thursday, and Friday.

We will be gathering on Zoom and then calling our elected officials, so we can support each other as we do it.

“Nap Zap” is our name for quickly working together on an action in the little free time that we parents and caregivers have. Like when our kids are down for their naps.

These Naps Zaps are phone calls to our Reps, a tried-and-true way of making our power known and holding decision-makers accountable. The Nap Zaps are opportunities for us to come together, be in community, and make sure our elected officials hear us loud and clear: We need affordable childcare!

Here's some background on the issue (and we'll give you a link to a super helpful toolkit after you sign up).

The federal budget will be voted on over two days, March 1 and March 8. Childcare advocates wanted $40 billion to be added to the budget to stabilize the loss of federal COVID funds that ended in September. Congress is not including that in the budget.

There is a chance that $16 billion (which would stabilize childcare for one year) could be added into the supplemental phase of the budget. This could happen one of two ways:
  1. Leadership in Congress approves the White House $16 billion supplemental request or
  2. Congress passes the Child Care Stabilization Act.
Not enough representatives are hearing that this is an issue for their constituents. They need to hear from us now, before the budget process is finalized! They need to know we are looking at their record in an election year.

We're looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday. Remember, together we are powerful.
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