Canvass for Fatima! :)

Start: Saturday, April 23, 202211:45 AM

End: Saturday, April 23, 2022 4:00 PM

come canvass for Fatima on Saturdays!

Help build the movement for Fatima in AD65 by canvassing with us! If you’ve never canvassed before: we will provide you with a thorough training, pair you up with someone experienced/confident, and make sure you are comfortable going out. Don’t worry — we got you!

You will need:

  • a fully charged smartphone
  • water, a hat (optional, but a good idea)
  • a mask — N95, KN95, KF94 strongly preferred!
  • a tote bag/backpack, as well as notebook & pen (optional, useful!)

We will be canvassing in Willowbrook. The meet up location is at Earvin Magic Johnson Rec Area, at the parking lot on Wadsworth, between El Segundo and 126th.

If you are feeling sick or exhibiting any of the known symptoms of COVID-19 and its variants, please stay at home and rest! As we wait for this surge to subside, we will adapt our trainings to provide maximum protection during training and at the door- to take care of each other and the broader AD65 community.