Canvass for Gabriel Acevero in D39

Start: Saturday, May 21, 202212:00 PM

End: Saturday, May 21, 2022 4:00 PM

Join MDC DSA comrades to talk to voters in Germantown and Montgomery Village about our endorsed candidate Del. Gabriel Acevero (Maryland House of Delegates, District 39). We'll gather at S. S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary School. We'll provide training, a script, DSA literature and canvassing partners if wanted. We'll plan to meet up for lunch after a couple of hours of canvassing, so please let us know if you're available to join after lunch!

The meet-up is not transit-accessible, but we are willing to coordinate rides for anyone who needs a ride. Please indicate if you need a ride or are willing to provide a ride to a comrade. Please also indicate if you are driving and can drop off comrades at their canvassing turf, even if you can't carpool with others.

This message has been authorized and paid for by the Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America Solidarity PAC. Treasurer: Zach Wiita. This message has not been authorized or approved by any candidate.

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