Canvass for the New York Health Act - Astoria, 11/21

Start: Saturday, November 21, 202012:00 PM

End: Saturday, November 21, 2020 2:00 PM

This Saturday, November 21 from 12-3:00 pm, the DSA Healthcare Working Group will be canvassing people in line at various City MD and other urgent care centers around Astoria, talking to them about the New York Health Act.

The New York Health Act would provide free, universal healthcare for all New Yorkers at a time when the crisis in our private healthcare system has never been more stark. We fought hard to get a voice in Albany, now it's time to organize to win!

We will be meeting in teams of two at various City MD locations. Please RSVP, and we will determine which location you'll go to.
We will begin with a short training. No need to bring anything, but please let me know if you have a car or free printing available!!!!

Contact: Nolan (347-526-8694;