Caring Majority Monthly Organizing Call & Orientation
Start: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 10:30 PM GMT
End: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 11:30 PM GMT
This is a virtual event
Learn from and take action with elders, parents, people with disabilities, caregivers, & care workers on the frontlines of the COVID crisis.
5PM: Orientation to the NY Caring Majority Campaign
5:30 PM: Monthly Organizing Call
About this Event
We are those who are most likely to die from this virus, and we are those who are rising to support those who are sick or will get sick. We are coming together to support each other through mutual aid. We call ourselves the Caring Majority because all of us, in some way, are connected by care and caregiving.
We are neighbors, New Yorkers, parents, elders, people with disabilities, people with chronic illness, caregivers, and care workers. We are organizing to defend Medicaid and provide aid and support between neighbors in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis.
As we organize to meet immediate and emerging needs, we are also pushing for the long-term systemic changes for the caring economy all need in order to thrive and live with dignity.
Join us. RSVP for zoom link. Calls will include recordings after the fact. Please email by Wednesday, Jan. 6 if you need closed captioning or interpretation. For other accessibility questions or requests, please e-mail