Chailey Ward Action Day

Start: Sunday, January 15, 202310:00 AM

End: Sunday, January 15, 2023 4:00 PM

2023 is a huge year for Greens in our district. We have the incredible opportunity over the next 4 months of beating the Tories and becoming the biggest local party here for the first time ever. We won't have this opportunity again until 2027. But we need your help to make it happen!

Local Greens have been working hard and spoke to thousands of residents last year.

The good news is, we're looking strong. In the last two local elections we have made big gains, so we know how to win here, we just need the people to make it happen.

In 2021 we came just 47 votes short of beating the Tories in Chailey. With just one extra volunteer over the course of the campaign we could have won this seat. In local elections every single person makes a huge difference.

Please join us this weekend!

Lunch, training, support, friendly greens to meet and lifts are all available! Feel free to bring a friend or family member along - they don't have to be a member to join.

We really hope you can join us. Please do get in touch if you have any questions that need answering first.

THANK YOU! Together we can win big this May!

P.S. RSVP to let us know you are coming.